I've been on Oahu with the family since Dec. 21. There was some fairly big surf around Christmas, with Waimea breaking. Pipe was also somewhat on, Haleiwa was out of control on Dec. 24, not surfable. Surfed the beach park on Dec. 22, with shoulder to head high waves, with a few sneaker sets. Was able to witness the rise in swell before we left the water. Stayed at cousin Pauls, place on Wilder in town. Dec. 24 we surfed Diamond Head, which was actually pretty good. The wave is super fun. I only surfed in once before when I lived on Oahu, and didn't really get it good. Dec. 24 Paul and I surfed it and I had a blast. Dec. 26 surfed Pops and Canoes, which was really underwhelming. Not very good at all. Today surfed Diamond Head again with Paul, and it was ok. There was a south swell in the water which brought some waves to town. Hopefull we'll make another trip to the North Shore tomorrow, or to the West side. We'll see.